Sunday, June 13, 2010

I'm So Happy With My New Family - See ya over there!

So Mum wants to tell all you that follow me here to watch on her blog from now on for updates and photos of me (lots of them there too - cool).   If you don't know how to get to Mum's blog it is   I've been having lots of new experiences and Mum has been chronicling them there if you want to go take a looksy.   Read about my latest adventures there!

See ya all on the "other" side! 

Luv,   Louie Lou!

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday Evening Relaxation

Or not.  Mum gave me a great massage tonight.  She tapped on my front feet like Adele asked her to and she is trying to figure out how to do that Jin Shin Jyutsu on me (whatever the heck that is).   We sat on the floor and it was really nice.    This is me afterwards.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Just Being Me

In a rare pause in my play!



Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Evening Stroll

Mum took Tara and me for a long walk tonight.  She took the camera so she could proove to the world that I'm getting better at this leash walking thing and that she isn't really imagining that I do walk in front of her sometimes.

Like this...hmmmm something smells down here.

And this....down the loooooong long road.

This is Tara coming back to check on Mum and me.

We scared up some ducks while we were walking. Two pairs of them took off flying off the irrigation ditch. Mum said that maybe later in the summer we'll see baby ducks when we walk so she and Tara looked for eggs.

This is me NOT looking for duck eggs with Mom and Tara!  I'll just wait up here thanks.

See her muddy feet (and mine are sooooo clean!)?

Mum says we live in doG's Country well duh).  Here is a picture of the mountains and the lake out where we live.  Hey I can say out where *I* live now - cool man!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Talks and Walks

I got to go on another ride in the car today and I got to go on a walk with Mum as well.   Teddy and I didn't get to get out of the car while Mum ran errands cuz she didn't bring my jammies and it was still too cold to get out of the car.  She went and got my raw food from the store now she has a new freezer and fridge to put it in.   She said that means we are going to go back to training by her hand feeding me my dindin every night.  I have to say it has made me less wary of her when she hands me treats.

So even tho Teddy and I just hung out in the crate in the car it wasn't bad.  Mum went and did photos at the sheep place today but my friend Adele wasn't there so I didn't get out and visit.  Mum said I could go walk with her and Tara this afternoon and I did - with Elliott too.  Man that boy sniffs everything.   She put but me and Elliott on the flexis to walk and I even got brave and walked out ahead and beside her a few times.  I guess I can trust she won't step on me and such.   I also found out that she carries cookies in her pockets sometimes and we stopped a few times to see if Elliott would come to her and we ALL got treats.  I am finding out that if I won't go take one from her, she'll give it to someone else!  Can you believe that?   How rude!

I talked to my friend Sue last weekend too.  She was really tired when I finally got to tell her about all the stuff going on and I was a bit annoyed that she kept dozing off.   I told her to tell my Mum that the skirt she keeps putting on me (Mum calls it a belly band) is okay but I want a green one!   I also told her about Adele giving me a massage and stuff and I asked Sue to find out what happened to Roni (Mum thought she explained it but I didn't get it - he went to a new home).    I have so much to say and Sue just wouldn't stay awake! 

I'm lookng forward to riding in the motorhome though and Mum said she'd be getting me out there to explore sometime soon. 

Sunday, May 2, 2010


FM wants me to tell all of you that she is finally going to admit that I'm not going to be going anywhere and this will be my last home.   She has talked to many of the people she loves and they have all told her that I just need to stay and she needs to get over it!    Since she won't let the fuzzy dog go anywhere then I just can't either and that is that!

So I guess FM needs to now become Mum to me.

Mum took me to this thing called an agility trial on Friday afternoon and boy it was wild.  I did get to see that lady Adele that I met last weekend and she sat and massaged me which was totally cool!   She said she is leaving today to go get certified to do massage officially on dogs.  Mum told her we'd love to be her first official customers too!  I could go for that.   She showed Mum how to massage my joint of my jaws cuz she noticed that I clench my teeth.   Mum said that was genetic cuz she clenches her teeth too.  Oh right Mum!

Mum said I was especially good going in where they were running that agility stuff and just looking around.  I didn't even shiver or shake.  I sat in her lap and just kinda watched everything going on.   I was especially interested in those dogs that were playing with their humans.  They seem to like it....

We got some front yard time while it was warm yesterday so here are the photos Mum wanted to share.  Mum.....hum sounds kinda nice!

Hmm, maybe agility someday?

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

More Popcorn! ...and training begins (huh?)

I told you I looooooooooveeeee popcorn!

First, check to make sure it really IS popcorn and make sure you are ahead of the red-headed devil dog!

Make sure FM notices that I am here (minimal eye contact is best)!

Whew!  Those socks don't smell like popcorn!

Hey look at me, I'm the cute one realllllly stepping outside my box!

Maybe I can snatch one without her noticing!

That one looks like it has butter on it.  Okay, I'll risk the finger feeding.

I really like this stuff, I'll take more thank you!

FM is making these noises about stepping up my "training".  Whatever that means!  Well it does seem to involve food.  Not just popcorn (altho that is my fave) but tonight she also sat in front of my crate at dinner time and then gave me my food a piece at a time with her HAND!  OMG can you believe that.  Well I'm not so stupid, I know that raw food tastes yummy and if I wanted dinner I better eat it.  So I did.  FM told me what a good boy I was every time I took a bite.  She started feeding me low down by my feet but by the time I was done she was feeding me some low and some up where I kinda had to look at her face.   It wasn't so bad I guess.  Wonder what's on tap for tomorrow??